Ten Threats To Your Rights and The One Solution
Our Human Rights are vital and fundamental to a free and functioning society. Yet they are under threat from the Governments Operation Overreach.
Operation Overreach is the biggest assault on the British people’s freedoms since the first form of Parliament, the Great Counsel, who 807 years ago stepped in to protect us from King John.
But who is going to step in and protect us from Parliament today?
Us, the people.
The Bill of Rights is the biggest attack as it seeks to remove the whole of the Human Rights Act which will leave us with a Bill of Rights that ultimately undermines and weakens any semblance of Human Rights in this nation.
However, it isn’t stopping there. With nine other Bills on their way through the Houses of Parliament, it is clear that Operation Overreach is going all out, to remove as many fundamental, hard won rights from us all. It’s also worth remembering that these changes won’t be temporary, these will be permanent, for this Government to use and abuse, as well as any other future Government.
We have to take action and we have to protect our rights because rights once lost are not easily restored.
Take part by lobbying your MP in regards to all ten Bills below in one easy click.
Join our next event on Saturday, 27th August and be prepared to join actions at all of the Party Conferences in September 2022. We will continue to keep you up to date on all planned actions.
Ready to Take Action?
Send your MP emails opposing all ten Bills now.
What Are the Ten Threats to My Rights and Why Should I Be Worried?
Every Human Rights advocate is speaking about how this Bill will do nothing but weaken our Human Rights. It seeks to allow the Government to remove all of yours and your families rights whenever it chooses if it can justify it for the “greater good”. This isn’t defined and when matters like this go undefined they are prime for abuse not just by this Government but by future ones too.
Further than that if you were to suffer a Human Rights abuse at the hands of the state they are legislating to make it far harder to take the matter to court and if you do manage to then Parliament will also prescribe to the judges what they can and cannot do.
This Bill purports to be a positive thing because it will make it harder for children to access material like porn. Now while we don’t wish to undermine that aim we have to take close notice of one clause in particular which wishes to prevent “legal but harmful content”.
Again the definition of harm is not clearly outlined and the onus is put on the owners of websites and platforms to determine what could cause harm. For the likes of the big social media platforms that will mean it is in the hands of millennials in Silicon Valley to determine what we, the British people, might be harmed by. Perhaps they will take umbridge with conservative religious values and undoubtedly they will be encouraged to silence anything that speaks out negatively against the Government.
This will lead to huge levels of censorship with no easy route to appeal.
This Bill could see journalists prosecuted for reporting on information provided by sources, including whistleblowers exposing wrongdoing by the Government. This sort of precedent has already been set by the ICO who raided the homes of two suspected whistleblowers who leaked the Matt Hancock affair video. If journalists cannot safely hold the Government to account then how will the public?
This is currently in consultation phase so your letter will be a response to the consultation as well as cc’ing in your MP.
For example, if your child is being bullied and you decide to keep them off school for a while, their absences could be reported and the local authority could force them back to school, or you would face punishment. Or if you want to home educate your child you will be required to submit a DBS check to prove you are capable of caring for your child that extra 6 hours a day.
This Bill is an assault on our right to a private and family life which is completely unnecessary as there is already legislation in place to protect truly vulnerable children, the vast majority do not need, nor should welcome this interference.
Furthermore, the Government is wanting to restrict the numbers of students who attend university as well as what courses they can do. They are proposing to stop funding courses where 60% of graduates won’t be in a “highly skilled” job within 6 months of leaving. Because of these proposals some Universities have already cancelled 22/23 intakes of courses including but not limited to BA English Lit, BA English Lang, BA Human Geography and BA Education Studies.
University will no longer be part of many children’s future.
In this Bill there will be extensive stop and search powers, protesting injunctions which will see people being ankle tagged with no need to prove any prior criminality, higher sentences meaning protesters will be risking prison time if they go out and more.
Protesting works, which is why they want to restrict it. We must continue to fight to retain our right to protest.
They also want to remove any labelling to that effect so you won’t be able to confidently buy food in the supermarket and know what you are getting. Was this bread made with British farmed wheat or synthetic factory wheat? Was this chicken for my Sunday lunch the product of natural fertilisation or is it a Frankenstein chicken pumped full of who knows what during the breeding process? If this Bill goes through, we just won’t know.
Crypto currency is an alternative. A decentralised currency with no control by the Government or big banks. This is obviously not in their interests. This Bill is the first one to legislate that the Government can take control of your Crypto currency. While currently it is in relation to crimes, once started it is going to be a slippery slope attempting to restrict the autonomy and freedom of Crypto entirely.
The other option is for other businesses to boycott unethical businesses too. Refusing to trade with or fund businesses whose practices fall short of decent moral standards. Obviously if a business boycotts another this carries even more weight than an individual doi
ng so. The Government are now seeking to outlaw this practice and prevent businesses from boycotting one another. This is a huge interference with the rights of business owners to choose who they want to work with and will of course impact small independent businesses, who uphold high ethical standards, the most.
As we have now left the EU, we have to go through the 13% and either make it into full British law or get rid of it. This should be done with due democratic process, with Members of Parliament able to represent their constituents by debating and voting on these pieces of legislation.
Instead, the Government wants to pass the Brexit Freedoms Bill allowing a small group, behind closed doors, to have authority to pick and choose what to keep or not.
This means there would be no accountability, no opportunity for challenges to bad decisions and we could lose some vital legislation without any forewarning. This poses huge risks to us and those pieces of legislation that we would keenly like to retain.
The simple and most effective thing you can do is write to your MP along with all of your family and friends.
We’ve written a template email for you which you can read here and fill in the form below which will send it straight to your MP –
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One lone email to a single MP is very unlikely to enact change but when all the MPs receive thousands and thousands of them it lets them know that they have to act.
This cost of living crisis affects us all so we need to reach as many people as possible.
Please share these Social Media posts, and follow us on all platforms:
Also please consider changing your profile picture to the one below to help get the word out.
Lots of people like to do outreach which is wonderful as lots of people are more inclined to read a leaflet or they’re not on social media.
You can download the flyer by clicking on the image below:
Help us reach as many people as possible!
Support Our Work
We recognise that for many of us there isn’t much spare money right now but we ask you to consider donating whatever you can, even if it is just £1.
Donating today will enable us to distribute physical copies of the “Understand and Taking Control of Your Energy Bills” to those most in need, as well as supporting the overall running of this campaign and Save Our Rights UK.

Heat and Eat
Everyone has a right to be able to be warm and fed yet the Government is allowing policies that force people to choose.
Help prevent this suffering by joining our Heat and Eat campaign.
Protect Cash
Cash is under threat. Businesses and shops have increasingly stopped accepting cash while at the same time banks are closing down high street branches and ATMs are being removed.
If we lose cash entirely then we could easily lose our Right to Privacy so join the campaign today.

Heat and Eat
Everyone has a right to be able to be warm and fed yet the Government is allowing policies that force people to choose.
Help prevent this suffering by joining our Heat and Eat campaign.

Protect Cash
Cash is under threat. Businesses and shops have increasingly stopped accepting cash while at the same time banks are closing down high street branches and ATMs are being removed.
If we lose cash entirely then we could easily lose our Right to Privacy so join the campaign today.